Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"We have been carrying around a package of Cevada..."

We are on the verge of baptizing Lourdes. It rained a ton on Sunday morning, which means that half of the members don't go, and none of the investigators go.
But Lourdes was the exception, she went in the pouring rain and enjoyed church again. Now it is just a matter of teaching her the basics and getting her and her family to stop drinking coffee. We have been carrying around a package of Cevada with us to get to her, but she went to her daughter's house on Monday and we have not been able to get in touch with her.
But we will soon teach her again and try to help her be baptized on Sunday. If that doesn't happen, she will definitely be baptized next Saturday.
Our other investigators are also doing well, but I don't really have any notable stories.
We have been receiving training every morning on how to be guided by the Spirit, how to help investigators be guided/converted by the Spirit, and how prayer, The Book of Mormon, and church attendance are key in conversion. So that has been pretty good.
I would say the only real difficulty right now has been training. The brasilians leave the MTC after 19 days, and rarely know how to teach the first lesson. Elder Barbosa is having a really hard time teaching and communicating what he wants to say. He has improved a little bit, but it's a lot slower that with Elder Proulx (now comps with Elder Carmo, what a coincidence!), who arrived basically knowing everything. So a lot of patience will be instrumental in his development as a missionary. He has had a sore ankle, and yesterday he was not able to walk during a few hours. It seems to be doing better now, and Sister Tavares is bringing him an ankle brace today that will help even more.
Well, I don't have a lot to say today. I will make a DVD of photos to send to you today. I forgot my USB cable, so I won't be emailing any photos today, sorry.
Well, that's about it. Love you all, have a nice week!

"But look how they treat us
Make us believers
We fight their battles
Then they deceive us
Tried to control us
They couldn't hold us
Cause we just move forward
Like Buffalo Soldiers"

1 comment:

  1. For those who aren't familiar with Cevada, it is about the same as Postum. It is made from barley, I think, and mixes up like instant coffee. A good substitute for the coffee Brazilians drink so much of.
