Yoooo family
So this transfer has gone by incredibly fast!! This week I will hit my six month mark (don't know how that happened, seems like yesterday I left the CTM) on Charlotte's birthday! Then transfers will happen on Tuesday or Wednesday or Monday next week. Chances are high that I will be shipped out somewhere else. I either want to stay here (I love Cambé) or go to Foz do Iguaçu, which is actually one of the most dangerous cities in Brasil because of its tri-border with Paraguay and Argentina.
So naturally there is an incredible amount of drug trafficking and smuggling that goes through there. I talked to this one Elder that saw a dude get gunned down in front of a school! But if I go there, you can rest assured that nothing will happen to me because, well, primarily, I am a missionary of Jesus, and also because I am an incredible fighter LoL that was a joke.
But seriously, time is going by sooo fast. I'm going to be 20 in less than 2 weeks, that's pretty cool.
This week was pretty cool, we taught not a ton of lessons but we met this dude named Fransisco who is SUPER elect!! He is this 73 year old dude who is just super, super nice. When we clapped at his gate he looked out the window and got really excited and was like "Enter!!" So we went in and talked to him.
He loved the message we left with him, and decided to go to church. He is getting over cancer right now, it just kinda has left his body, so he is really wanting to find a church. He went to church, where he found out that one of his really good friends is Moacir, a super active member of the Ward. He loved church, when we visited him again yesterday he just wouldn't stop talking about how good he felt there (Which is a VERY good thing!) and talked about how he needs to always go there.
He is a really really cool guy, and I'm sure he will be baptized one day. But first he and his wife need to get married, and he needs to stop drinking coffee. It is just a matter of time, and now that he has a good friend in the Church, it will be much easier for him to accept things like the Word of Wisdom.
We have a lot of investigators right now, but not many who are progressing. We have a goal this week to teach 40 lessons. We are well on our way, with 15 in the first two days. We had a training thing at our zone conference about how we can increase the quality of our lessons by teaching more, because the more time we spend time teaching, the more time we are feeling a ton of the Spirit.
Something interesting I have noticed in this week is that many missionaries teach things that are not completely true. There are a lot of doctrines that are not really in the Bible that are used to explain the Great Apostasy (Which, unfortunately, is more thoroughly explained than the Restoration). Every bit of doctrine is incredibly important to understand thoroughly, and while a testimony can be gained without a perfect knowledge of everything, we need to really be sure that what we teach is true and accurate.
Well, I don't have a lot of news this week so far. Next week I will probably be sending my email from a different city, maybe a different state! Love you all, the Church is true, the Prophets are Prophets, follow their teachings. (Mom, I like what you said about the most important prophet is the living one, that's a bomb line)
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